
A Gardening Apron for An Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Gift

A dear friend I met on Facebook sent me a box full of fabric and laces to sew dresses for my Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.  At the bottom were several flip flops! I was so excited and began matching flip flops to fabric.  There were two pieces with gardening tools on them and flip flops that matched that would fit older girls.  So I quickly decided they would be perfect for gardening aprons.
Garden Apron for OCC shoe box

Crafting For Shoeboxes challenged us at the first of the year to make something for a shoe box that we had never made before and an apron was on my list.  I had fun
matching trims and pocket lining fabric (notice picture in upper right hand side of the image).  The colors in this picture are a little wonky!  The flip flops are lime green and match the trim on the pocket and upper bodice perfectly.  Here is the other piece I will be making up into an apron, too, with the matching flip flops.

I will be buying hand garden tools to put with them.  Maybe a small watering can, too, if it will fit (I can fill it with candy & other trinkets so the room inside won't be wasted).

If you love to craft for your shoeboxes you can find all of our craft tutorials here:  Crafting for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.


  1. Such a delight to see all the beautiful things you are making for the children that will receive these special boxes!!!

  2. It's amazing how skillful you are! I'm sure that you made the children really happy!

  3. Thank you, Mary, for your kind comment. I have so much joy crafting items for these dear children, I do hope they are happy when they receive them.


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