
The Life Saver Snowman Box ~ How an Operation Christmas Child Theme Shoebox Came Together

I think everyone who has been reading Simply Shoe Boxes for any length of time knows I love to do theme boxes for my Operation Christmas Child kids.  They just seem to come together without much effort sometimes.  Such is the case with the Life Saver Snowman Box!

I shared how I came across a ghost beanie baby in a lot I had purchased for my shoe boxes.  I transformed the little guy into a snowman by removing his tongue, his "tail" and the "peak" on his
head, and adding a handmade scarf and hat from scrap yarn.

The colors in the scrap yarn were bright primary colors with a touch of orange.  Just like a pack of Crayola Crayons!  The same colors in a little coin purse I won in a blog giveaway shortly after finishing the transformation.  I have dubbed the little bird a "snow bird" and added it to the box.  This item made me decide to make this a 10 to 14 year old girl box.  I was going to add a sewing kit in the purse, but it is smaller than I expected, so I am still looking for something to tuck inside.

I had made this pencil pouch earlier with the variegated yarn so thought it would be perfect for this box.  Maybe I can find some snowman pencils.

I did not have enough of the scrap yarn to make a hat and scarf for the little girl who will receive the box so I just matched up the colors with solids I had. While crocheting it I couldn't help but think how it reminded me of Life Savers!

My husband was doing some deal shopping for me and I had given him a $10 off $25 coupon and my list came up just over a $1 short of the $25.  Bags of Life Savers were on sale for $1.50 -- BINGO!!  A perfect addition to the shopping trip AND the box.  UPDATE 2017:  Candy is no longer allowed.

Since I wanted to make this a 10 to 14 year old girl shoebox that meant I would make an apron to go with it.  I had purchased a lot of clearance fabric after Christmas with a gift certificate I received for Christmas and I thought I had some snowman fabric -- did it have the colors of Life Savers???  It sure did!

And how about wrapping it all up in snowman paper?

I am also adding some green cookie cutters and measuring spoons so she can bake up some Christmas cookies!  Or at least some mud pies in fun shapes!

Do you like to make themed shoeboxes?  You can find more here:  Themed Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes.


  1. This is perfect! Love the colors and always LOVE snowmen!

  2. Thanks, Kristy. I would never have thought up putting Lifesaver colors with snowmen!

  3. Thank you, Kay! I think I have more fun putting these together than the kids do opening them!

  4. I can see that you put so much time and thought into what you are putting together. I showed my daughter your Life Saver Snowman and everything you put together. She was amazed :)

  5. Thank you, Kay. I do have fun doing them and thankful I have the supplies to do special things.


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