
WANTED Poster: Beanie Babies for OCC Shoeboxes & A Bountiful Donation

I shared the Beanie Babies collection image I made earlier.  But I changed it into a WANTED Poster and wanted to share it again in case any one could use it.  I emailed the image to my friend and she shared it in her small business but didn't get any donations for several weeks and then....well, see the image below!  My Operation Christmas Child stockpile is full of animals now.

Avon Pile O Beans animals for Operation Christmas Child

These are actually Avon Full O'Beans animals. They were delivered brand new in the
bags--all 47 of them! So fun as I have never seen any of these. I have already matched some up with dress fabric.

Avon Pile O Beans matching sets of animals for Operation Christmas Child
These have matching little ones.  They are actually on key chains.  I am loving these bright colors!  We include a stuffed animal in each shoebox.  You can read our post Why We Include a Stuffed Animal in Each of Our Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes if you are interested in learning more of our thoughts on this subject.

Operation Christmas Child Wanted Beanie Babies Poster

You are welcome to save this image and print it out as a poster or share online.  Hopefully it will help bring more love thru stuffies to hurting children around the world in your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.

There is a a copy of the inside graphic only that can be used instead.  You can find it here:  Beanie Baby Collections for Operation Christmas Child ~ Free Collection Poster.

You can find more shoebox supply collection posters thru this link:  Shoebox Printable Resources.


  1. Love this poster! Thank you for sharing! I'll put it in my 2015 file of ideas. :-)

    And Avon has beanie babies? I didn't know. I just re-fell in love with Avon perfumes recently. Hmmm, I see another order in my future.

  2. Actually these were from 1999 and 2000 so I am not sure if they still sell them. But a great thing to know if looking for bulk sales on Ebay!

  3. When I've received Beanie Babies, sometimes they are dusty or musty from sitting on shelves. A wet towel with a dryer sheet and the dryer on low takes care of it, about 15 minutes. Almost all of them will go through the washer just fine if you cut off the tags.

  4. I find MANY Beanie Babies at good prices (.50 to $1) each at my local ARC store (which is a Colorado thrift store like Salvation Army or Goodwill). It is true, if you throw them in the washer and dryer (with the tags cut off) they turn out AMAZING. I will sometimes tie a festive ribbon around their necks to make them look even more fun.

  5. I have bought many Beanie Baby collections on e-bay that have averaged $1 or less for each baby.


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