
Christmas Gifts Received for My Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Stockpile ~ And A Big Surprise!

I let my family know that I would love to receive gifts for Christmas that I could pass on to a needy child thru Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts.  I received some fun things for sure!

From Family

Penguin themed gifts for an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox.

My daughter found this cute board book about Penguins and decided with the addition of the beanie penguin and this delightful card I had a great beginning for a
themed box.  What fun it will be to build a box around these.  We pack a lot of themed shoeboxes.

Christmas gifts to re-gift for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.

She also had a shoebox which she kept under her bed and added to throughout the year as she found items that would work for my boxes.  Board books was at the top of my list and she found some fun items.  She knows I love dolls and this tiny one is adorable--I think I will add it with a larger doll.  And of course my love of Pooh was represented, too.  You will see Pooh themed shoeboxes in the future.  And while shopping after Christmas Sales she found some wonderful Pooh wrapping paper!

Two things I wanted to use for crafting were poker chips and shower curtain hooks--she bought both.  I'll share as I make things with these.

Do you remember when I shared about these $11 Sewing Kits my daughter found for $1 each?  I told her I wanted to add it to my Christmas wish list.  She went back and bought me FORTY more!  So excited for my 10 to 14 year old girls who will receive these.  I'll add buttons, trims & fabric, too.

When I showed my mom this skirt I had made she asked if someone needed to buy more fabric for more skirts.  I told her Yes!  I have 12 nice knit tops my husband picked up and I want to make skirts for 5 to 9 year olds to go with them (I usually don't focus on 5 to 9, but when it happens that we end up with wonderful items for that age group I pack the boxes).  So my daughter helped her make a coupon for a "skirt of the month club."  I am having her go do the shopping each month so she gets a chance at an outing. We have a small discount, craft store very near by and so she shouldn't tire too much going and it will give her something special to look forward to -- an outing with my daughter and lovely fabric and ribbon to look thru.  Plus the supplies will probably cost $5 or less per skirt.

I also received some handmade coupons for ribbon and a nightgown pattern I have been wanting to get and of course the storage shelves I received earlier and told you about in this post:  Organizing Storage--New Shelves: Preparing for 2015 OCC Collection Part 3.

I also received some Christmas Cash, but I'll report that later in  my shoebox shipping fund report.

From A Friend

The biggest surprise of Christmas came from a dear friend I met online thru our mutual love of packing shoe boxes.  We will never meet, I am sure, and we don't even have each other's addresses, but that didn't stop her from getting a very special gift to me for my shoe box packing.

I shared in a post about a friend's online discount craft store and how she donated supplies for a Teddy Bear Dress.  My dear online friend contacted her about the possibility of buying a gift certificate for me for Christmas.  Joanne wrapped it all up special and made sure it was delivered in time to be hidden by my family in my stocking.  I am very hard to surprise, but I totally had no idea this was hidden there and then when I went to open it I could never have guessed who it was from.  It was an amazing surprise and is a gift that will keep Christmas around for a while as I spend it and create things for my Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.  I already have my eye on a fabric to make a dress from!

Did you get any shoebox packing presents this Holiday Season?


  1. I love your site and enjoy how you make each box so special. Could you give me some measurement on the skirt you make. It is adorable. I'm a quilter and have enough fabric in my stash to almost fill a store. I have been making draw string bags for my bags and the girls at Changing Life Center who we work with to make crafts for their shoe boxes (you can see a clip of them on the latest OCC movie). ANyway, I love the skirt with the different fabrics. You have so many great ideas. You are an inspiration to me. I share with my OCC Team the crafts you do so some o the them can share with those they contact in crafting.
    Edna - AZ

  2. Hi, Edna! Thanks for the encouragement that you find inspiration in the posts I do here. I just finished a post about inspiration that will be up in the next couple of weeks.

    I had no idea what size to make my skirts so I went googling and found these two sites with sizes listed--one has waist sizes and knee length, the other has all different lengths listed. I am aiming for a size 8 so I made it about 44" wide based on the pillowcase dresses pattern width and made it fall a ways below the knee because in some cultures this would be necessary. This skirt took 1/4 yard of each color and I used every bit of it. There are six panels. I'll be sharing the story behind it next week. Anyways, here are the two links with the measurements:

  3. I love this post and seeing all the items you received. How wonderful to know each one with bless a child in the name of Jesus in addition to bringing you joy. I love reading your ideas. Blessings to you as you serve in His name.

  4. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement, Kathy. It is fun to have the joy of receiving the gifts before I pass them on to the dear children.


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