
CVS Clearance Shopping for Operation Christmas Child

My daughter does my shopping for me and at CVS this morning she found some dollar section items on clearance for 75% off.  She found:
  • Toy Boats -- sets of three regularly $2 for $.50 each.
  • Hair Bands -- regularly $1 for $.25 each (have some craft ideas in my mind for these, too)
  • Sandwich Bags -- regularly $1 for $.25 each [will use for soap and washcloth packing]
  • Snack Bags -- regularly $1 for $.25 each [will use for bagging candy] Update 2017: no candy is allowed
CVS dollar items on clearance purchased for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.

They had to be manually keyed in because they are apparently not in the system but are a local clearance so a couple came up wrong--higher than they should.  But the total for all of this was just $5.00 and she used some CVS gift cards I had earned from  Swagbucks.  So it cost nothing from my personal budget.  So far my $0 Out of Pocket Shoe Box Packing Experiment is going well.

I'd like to invite you to visit my daughter's blog where she shares the best CVS deals each week:  Simply CVS.  We buy a lot thru the year for our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes at CVS.

Each Saturday Sarah shares our additions to our stockpile for the week right here at Simply Shoeboxes.  You can see them all here:  Shoebox Stockpile Saturday ~ Adding to Our Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Stockpile.


  1. Awesome!! I hit Family Dollar yesterday & got awesome deals too! The cashier was gracious about having to manually enter a bunch!! lol

  2. Great, Denise Marie! Love it when there is a nice cashier.


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