
Unlikely & Surprise Source for Cash Donation for Shoe Box Packing

I am always amazed at the unusual ways we receive donations for our Operation Christmas Child shoe box gifts.  Complete strangers from around the country have given to our shoebox packing efforts.  When we were having our Spur of the Moment Packing Party for the kids at church a Simply Shoeboxes reader from TN mailed us a box filled with these goodies:

Well, last week another stranger, and reader of my daughter's blog Simply CVS, emailed Sarah and told her she knew we packed shoeboxes and she would like to donate to our packing. She said Sarah's blog posts had saved her so much money while shopping at CVS that she wanted to donate her first payment from her SavingStar account to our Paypal account so we could use it towards packing more
shoe boxes.  Within an hour I had an email from Paypal saying I had a deposit of $11.00.  I am amazed at her generosity.

I love blogging about my Operation Christmas Child shoebox journey -- that way I have a record of all the wonderful people who have helped me to pack shoe boxes.  And I get to meet so many great readers who share their shoe box journeys with me.

If you are not familiar with the SavingStar program you can read about it on Sarah's blog:  Savings Opportunity thru SavingStar Coupons.  Basically you attach electronic coupons to your shopping cards and receive a payment from SavingStar for them.  It's a great way to save up for shoebox shopping.

You may be interested in reading about all the Ways We Find Extra Cash for Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing.


  1. Awesome!! God is blowing me away with my community rallying around my humble shoebox efforts. He is always looking for a willing heart he can pour into and He can encourage us so much along the way. You have me hoping that just 1 win would be crazy amazing in the blog-osphere!!

  2. It is beyond encouraging when others reach out and give thru my efforts. So humbling to be able to do this.

  3. It is! I would adore being on your OCC blog roll. I am thankful for your journaling your journey! I am thankful for your daughter's CVS shares too.

  4. Denise Marie, I've added it. I used the name, Christ Is the Heart of Christmas, from your profile as I don't see one on your blog, I hope that is right. I can easily change it if you choose.


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