
EXPIRED Dial Soap Dollar Tree Deal for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

I just wanted to share about a deal I got on bar soap for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes...hopefully some of you can get these as well.  There is currently this printable coupon (you should be able to print it twice):

EDITED:  And it's no longer available, keep reading this blog, and I'll share when it is again!

Nice in and of itself, but if you go to Dollar Tree (you can see their coupon policy
here), they have these three packs that it should apply to:

That works out to $0.50 for 6 bars of soap!  I've been able to use these coupons at two different Dollar Trees different times.  At the first one (with the same type coupon printed last month) they just carefully read the coupon then it rang up fine.  The second it didn't seem to ring, they read it and had some confusion and had to call the manager, where there was still some confusion, but after I read the small print with them, and pointed out it said "any 3 pack Dial or Tone" they keyed it in.  I know some people had problems with their Dollar Tree, but they found the same kind at WalMart for a good price.

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  1. I guess the coupon isn't available now? :(

  2. Yes, unfortunately it reached its print limit in around a day! But, this is the second month it's been available, I'll try to update the post and post on Facebook if it becomes available again!


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