
Organizing Hat Crocheting Supplies for Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Party

First hats Elizabeth has made towards the 200 shoebox packing party.  She uses Aunt Ida's hat pattern from Joy with Purpose.

My oldest daughter is crocheting hats for a new OCC packing party Sarah has been invited to help host.  The goal is to collect enough stuff for 200 boxes.  They are trying to do it all thru donations and hope to even gather extras to donate as fillers.  We will donate much of our leftover stockpile from this year's shoebox packing, but Elizabeth wanted to do something more and decided to see how many hats she can
crochet before the party.

I decided one of my reversible fat quarter bags would be perfect for her to carry a couple skeins of yarn and the hat she is working on.  So together we whipped one up.  I considered making her one of the drawstring pencil pouches to hold her scissors, yarn needle and hooks, but we decided instead to tie a ribbon around the scissors' handle so they are easy to find and raided our shoebox stockpile for a MDSupplies toothbrush holder and soap case.  The hooks and yarn needle fit perfectly in the toothbrush holder and don't get lost in the bottom of the bag or tangled inside one of the skeins of yarn.  And the soap dish holds yarn scraps so they are contained.

So not only are the bags and hygiene cases helpful for the shoebox kids, but they can help us in crafting for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, too.

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