
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Crafting Progress Report for 9/18 ~ Pretty Butterflies

This week's Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Sewing & Crafting includes a fun butterfly dress and drawstring bag I made from fabric donated by Kristy of Hopeful Threads.  The colors don't show well, but there is orange in the print and that is why I choose the orange trims and added a crocheted orange butterfly to her hat made of all the colors in the print.  My daughter found the Beanie Baby moth that was orange and thought it would be perfect.  The sparkly purple shoes my husband found at
Walgreens on clearance.  I love how things come together in a shoe box.  I will be adding much more to the box, this is just a crafting report for the week.

What's on My Cutting Table

Next up is another piece of fabric donated by Kristy of Hopeful Threads. This one is very pale dots on a cream background.  It looks very light, but it is thick enough that it is not see thru at all so it will work perfect for a little dress.  And more yarn from my mother-in-law's stash.  UPDATE:  You can see the finished dress here:  Dotted Pastel Dress.

You can find more of my dresses here:  Dresses Made by Cheryl.  If you'd like to make your own dress or bag you can click these links to find the instructions for the pillow case style dress and drawstring tote bag.

What have you been crafting for your Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes?


  1. Oh I love it!!!! It's so wonderful and shows your thoughtful process the way everything coordinates so beautifully! :)

  2. It is such a blessing to have so many supplies on hand -- most donated (thank you, Kristy, too, for the fabric) -- that I can match things up and make them special.


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