
First Skirt of the Month Finished for an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox

When I shared the fun items I received for Christmas for my Operation Christmas Child shoebox stockpile, I mentioned my mom gave me a "skirt of the month" coupon.  She is to buy fabric each month and I am to sew a skirt for a shoe box girl.  Here is the first one completed.

Handmade skirt for an Operation Christmas Child shoebox.

I had sewn a floral skirt with gingham accents so I showed her that skirt and asked her to choose a main and a contrasting fabric.  My daughter said when she took her
into the store she found this sweet small floral print and immediately latched onto it.

They said this gold swirly print is the only contrast they could find to match.  I love it!  I am hooked on golds and oranges right now so I was tickled with it.  They purchased a wide, bright pink rick rack to sew at the top of the hem border, but when I went to add it, it seemed to take away from it instead of enhancing it like on my original skirt design. So I left it off.

Mom kept saying, "match that pink flower."  I am not sure what she wanted me to match it with, but I had this pink shirt and pink bunny that I am including with it.  I guess I'll try to keep with the pink theme in this box.

Mom has also been having a harder time than usual and they have not been back to buy any more fabric.  So the skirt of the month will most likely just turn into "a skirt when Mom feels well" club.  A nice way to celebrate she is having a good week.

If you'd like to make skirts for your shoe boxes and need an idea of sizes I have put together a Girls' Skirt Sizing Chart you may want to consult.


  1. You've inspired me......

  2. Can't wait to hear what you create, Denise.

  3. The skirt is just beautiful, I love the way you put the gold around the waistband and at the hemline, it will look fabulous with the pink shirt!
    You do such wonderful, inspiring work :)

  4. Thank you, Sheila, for the encouraging words.


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