
Shopping During Drop-off Week for OCC Shoebox Stockpile Saturday ~ 11/18/2017 ~Saved about 90%

My week of shopping for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes started on the way home from church, I stopped at a Dollar General to pick up a Thanksgiving card for my great aunt, and found a good deal on some clothes, 30 or 60 cents.  

Later in the week, I saw about a deal on shoes at Dollar General, so my sister and I stopped after volunteering at the local drop-off center.  We got a good number of originally $5-$10 shoes for 10 or 20 cents.  Was excited to get a start on next year's shoeboxes...although if you saw my post earlier this week about one more shoebox, you'll know they didn't all get saved for next year-haha!

Later in the day we were able to run by a couple more stores and find some more.  My Dad is pretty much set for shoes for his 10-14 boy boxes.

Then our order from Amazon for harmonicas came in.  I'd seen someone recommend them, and they seem nice and colorful.

That's about 90% off retail due to: 
Spent from shoebox budget: $30.72

Saved through buying in bulk: $47.89
Saved with clearance, about: $225 (best guess, didn't look at all original prices for the shoes and clothes, but they were $3-$10 and I got 36 pairs of shoes and four pieces of clothing)

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