Since oral hygiene is so important to health, we try to include a toothbrush in every shoebox. From the USA we can't send toothpaste, but experts say the brush is more important and works great on it's own. We've started getting many of our hygiene items from (affiliate) MDSupplies & Service's special Shoebox Shoppers order form. MDSupplies & Services has helpfully made us who pack for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes a special order form of just items that can go in OCC it has FREE SHIPPING!!!
Disclaimer: I received these products free to review, but the opinions are all my own. Links in this post to MDSupplies & Services are affiliate links.
Earlier I reviewed 3
of their more basic toothbrush options, this review is for the fancier looking Defend Premium Toothbrushes. hey come individually wrapped in assorted colors. This quality level of toothbrushes has three different sizes:
These toothbrushes are nice, and colorful. Of all the ones I've tried from MDSupplies & Services, these look the most like "normal" toothbrushes, and from their price you'd feel they'd be better. While the handles are more ergonomic, and they look nicer, I didn't really seem to find them that much different. They seemed stiff enough, but not too stiff. They have a nice number of bristles, but they are flat across the top like the others from MDSupplies & Services, not beveled tops like many modern toothbrushes. But it seemed to work just fine. I used one for around a month-some days multiple times, I'd say it was used 50 or more times, and as you can see it held up just fine to that use (& I'm tough on toothbrushes). So, I feel like it's a sturdy toothbrush we can feel comfortable sending in our shoeboxes, knowing they're a good quality.

I hope this review helps someone...if you have any further questions, please just ask and you may want to check out the rest of my MD Supplies & Services Reviews for items appropriate for packing in Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes.
This post contained affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links, this helps me afford the time to write this blog and keep up the Facebook page. But, I only share affiliate links for items I think would be good for shoeboxes, and fellow shoebox packers. Most the time it will be things I've personally reviewed or packed, in this case I got the toothbrushes free to try.