I did a couple orders online for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes that I got in the last week.
First, from Amazon I got these toothbrush holders (
Medline Toothbrush Holders, 72 count) I'm really happy with them as they seem to hold all different kinds of toothbrushes I've got deals on. I was even able to fit two of the cheaper ones in! I like to try to send more expensive ones (that I get on sale with coupons, see
Simply CVS for more info on how I do that) when possible as I hope they're last longer then cheaper ones, and as I can often get them for around $0.25 a piece for nice name brand ones, I thought it was worth it.
From Dollar Tree I ordered these (Plastic Snack Containers with Lock-Top Lids, 3-ct. Packs) fellow packers recommended for soap cases. I really like them, they even have a seal which I hope will keep the scent in.
I was really happy about being able to get these cases as that's something I really wanted to add to my boxes this year. With so many of the children getting boxes living in poor houses with nowhere clean to store them or in refugee camps, or orphanages where they have to share washrooms, it just seemed like something good to add if I could
I stopped at Office Depot after church to get some of the penny and quarter deals.
My sister was also able to stop and get more of the quarter deals.

I had an $8 ECB I'd got at CVS from buying oral care items for shoeboxes that was going to expire, so I picked up four of these $2.50 T-shirts for the
10-14 year boy shoeboxes, as they were still on our needed list...we're getting really close to everything we need for the year...still picking up fun stuff as we find it though-more to shove in our boxes this year, or a start for next year.
When I stopped by Mighty Dollar to pick up something we needed, I saw this, decided to pick up one to check it out-they turned out to be really cute!!! Jungle and ice scenes, lion, gorilla, polar bear, walrus, two penguins, and a mama and young elephant.
Spent from shoebox packing budget: $4.33
Spent from
gift cards earned or that I won online: $46.48
Added to stockpile:
- 72 toothbrush cases
- 72 cases to use for soap
- 6 magic marker 10 packs
- 9 erasers
- 3 composition books
- 72 pens (red & black)
- 4 t-shirts
- 8 foam puzzle animals
You can check out different types of shoeboxes to use for packing in this post:
What Type of Box to Pack for Operation Christmas Child.