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Giraffe Themed Operation Christmas Child Shoebox for a Girl Ages 2-4 Years Old

One thing I always pack in shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child is stuffed animals.  Normally I go with Beanie Baby sized.  But sometimes there's a bigger one I want to send, like this giraffe.  Then you have to get creative to get it and everything else you need/want to send to fit.  Because when we make a themed Operation Christmas Child shoebox, we don't leave out anything on our basic packing list-I still put in hygiene, school, and art supplies, clothing, whistle, etc as well as toys (including a ball and stuffed animal) with a family photo.  We just try to find versions of what we are putting in that goes with the theme and occasionally an extra item or two. 

While I just had the stuffed animal originally, I found a lot of "theme stuff" to go with it, just from shopping our shoebox "stockpile"   I had plastic scissors that kinda looked like one, plus stickers, pad of colored paper with one on, and a giraffe print pencil!  Plus orange washcloth, turtle figurine, and kaleidoscope.  I thought the lion...albeit in an odd way, went with the theme, too. 

Often people find it helpful to see how the box is packed to fit everything in, so here's some photos of how these items fit in the shoebox.  I couldn't fit it in a GO, cardboard box, but it fit well in the new, official, plastic box.

For more ideas/fun boxes, check out other shoeboxes we packed for 2-4 girls or our themed boxes!

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