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Waiting for a Walk thru an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox

These flip flops are waiting for walk with a new friend.  See the image below for an idea of just what they might be replacing.  That photo was taken by a volunteer on an Operation Christmas Child shoebox distribution in West Africa--many children were wearing flips flops just like the photographed pair a child had on who was receiving a shoe box full of gifts.

Image from the following Clip with Purpose post:
Shoes Can Mean So Much!
This post is part of Wordless Wednesday.


yeewittlethings said...

That is so awesome!!! Amazing what we take for granted and yet there's so many unfortunate people who would do anything for something as simple as a pair of shoes! I wish more people would be as generous :) Thanks for linking up!


Unknown said...

Summertime :-)

JC said...

What a great Wordless Wednesday! Very interesting to think about,thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Great reminder of how blessed we are. :)

kewkew said...

Oh wow. I agree, we take way too much for granted and we are extremely blessed. What a great reminder.

Kitty said...

I see this everyday where I live. It's amazing to me how many people, even here in the USA, only have one pair of tattered slippers just like the ones you replacing. Thanks for reminding us of the wonderful life we have, and how we all should give a little more.

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

lovely blue flipflops, the others as badly worn as they are might be prized by those who consider themselves lucky enough to have foot wear at all :(

J Rodney said...

I bet those flip flops will mean a huge difference in the child's life.

Ai Sakura said...

A great cause! Thanks for sharing! :)

momto8 said...

oh my goodness! thank you for your example of kindness to others.

Kris @ beyond the whiskers said...

Wow! Are certain shoes better to send over than others? Do some last longer?

Theresa Mahoney said...

I'll stop complaining about all of the flip flops my girls leave laying around. This is a great reminder of how fortunate we are and what we take for granted on a daily basis!

Thanks for linking up!

Unknown said...

Great reminder.

Paula said...

So sad to see the worn pair of flip flops, but happy that there are those more fortunate who give their time to help.

Thanks for linking up for WW!

Ms POSH said...

I hate when my feet get all dirty too.

Have a great WW!

Connie Arnold said...

Your simple photos make an excellent point. Thank you for the poignant post.

Tam said...

I remember seeing this picture for the first time last year. It really did and still does impact me. Thanks for the reminder.

Disclosure: Links on Simply Shoeboxes may be affiliate partners or referrals.